In 1982 he became a University Professor, the highest professorial rank at Columbia.
Commissioner Lawrence B. Gibbs says the agency is seriously thinking about hiring some seasoned, seasonal talent from the professorial ranks to help with training and audits.
In 1939 he moved to the United States to Howard University, where he was rapidly promoted twice, attaining full professorial rank.
The college also said it would offer minority lecturers more time to pursue doctorate degrees so they could be promoted to professorial ranks.
In the professorial ranks the College led the Ivy League with the highest proportion of women among tenured and tenure-track faculty.
He gained professorial rank in music at the university in 1975.
He was general counsel of the University of Pennsylvania from 1975-1980, joining the professorial ranks of Penn Law in 1979.
Ortiz has achieved the highest professorial rank at Rutgers University, where he has been on the faculty since 1972.
Figure Suslov's being treated by a politically reliable doctor of professorial rank.
My advisor recommended me although Princeton at the time had only one woman faculty member in the professorial ranks.