Forty-one percent of 12th graders were at or above the "proficient" level.
Ohio's accountability program expected each school to get 75 percent of its students to a proficient level.
The math scores were even worse, with only 23 percent of 12th graders performing at or above the proficient level.
At this point, the integration of audio and visual information can happen, but not at a proficient level.
All students must be on at least a proficient level (B+) by the 2013-14 school year.
Of the fourth graders tested, 29 percent scored at or above the proficient level, the same as in 1996.
Among eighth graders, 32 percent reached the proficient level or better, up from 29 percent in 1996.
Only 24 percent of eighth graders were at "proficient" level on these challenging tests.
On a recent assessment test, only about 10 percent of high-school seniors scored at a "proficient" level in history.
The goal of the standards-based test is for all students to score at or above the proficient level.