Still, even if Belinda wasn't a child prodigy, she was a good, proficient student, at or above her expected level.
A particular compulsion during her 11 years at the board has been tracking the academic progress of 76,000 students classifed as "limited English proficient."
The curriculum is divided among the most basic to highly proficient into five levels with two tutors teaching a class of five to fifteen students.
Only an unusually proficient student could produce immobility with consciousness.
Weil was a precocious student, proficient in Ancient Greek by the age of 12.
To meet the new requirements, Colorado grouped its partially proficient students with the proficient.
The goal is to have 100% of students proficient or above in reading and math by 2014.
Jones was awarded the Fellowes gold medal given to the most proficient student in clinical knowledge.
Officials here now predict that when the January scores are published, the proportion of proficient students will drop into the 70s.
The share of students proficient in reading dropped to 35 percent from 40 percent in 1992.