Sam's most recent profile is directed toward men and women both and states that she's interested only in friendship.
She also presented a challenge: her profile stated that doctors need not apply.
The fund's prospectus or profile will state whether a class ever converts to another class.
Though her profile states that she breaks up fights regularly ("by knockout", as added in the game's prologue), she seems to enjoy fighting herself.
The profile also states he is the only person in history to enlist in an army as a 'conscientious objector'.
A profile in Takimag states that he began blogging by writing about his failed attempts at bedding women.
Murphy's psychological profile stated that he was top of his class at the police academy and possessed a fierce sense of duty.
His profile stated that his eyes were hazel, but she couldn't really name the color even though she'd intently scrutinized the image.
I once saw a borrower on whose profile stated that he was applying for his 18th loan.