One year the profits of the Herald amounted to only $138.
The profits from gambling amounted to approximately $5,000 a day, after "deductions".
The net annual profit usually amounts to little more than I % upon the capital employed.
But net profits amounted to only $71,000, compared with $2.36 million in the prior year.
The profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders amounted to £20,618,000.
Net profits for 2005 amounted to RD$151.8 million, 37,9% more than 2004.
His profits by that time amounted to a few thousand dollars per year, a considerable amount for the time.
In fact, he only wished that the profit had amounted to more.
The festival ran from February 21 to 27, and the profits amounted to C$108.46.
Typically, that profit amounts to just a few percentage points more than short-term interest rates.