Its profits per partner soared 69 percent, to $1.6 million.
But although it had its runs, most recently in 1998 when profits soared, bad news usually followed and the stock price came back down.
The pharmaceutical industry's profits, on the other hand, have soared.
Meanwhile, corporate profits have soared both in absolute numbers and as a share of the total economy.
Profits soared, from commercial sponsorships to products like board games.
Combined with the economic downturn in the 1930s, the profits from fishing soared.
Ford's profits soared and his company dominated the world's automobile industry.
Profits soared to a record $1.4 billion on revenue of $21.54 billion in 2001.
Credit card issuers have seen their profits soar in recent years.
Intel was the only supplier of the chip until last year, and its profits soared as a result.