The profound psychological conflicts of the late 1960's are reflected in Frank Aller's legacy.
At the heart of the disputes, several clerics said, is a profound conflict among Methodists over the nature of homosexuality.
In sticking to its rendition of the war between man and beast, though, Animal Planet sidesteps a profound but thoroughly human conflict.
"The entanglement of the ingredients in the oatmeal establishes profound conflicts on several levels, literal and figurative, internal and external," the recipe explains.
It is as though the research itself - the attention, the diagnostic respect - were yet another attempt to resolve our profound and persistent communal conflict about the Vietnam war.
What is known about Enron's partnership arrangements so far, he said, reveals an even more profound conflict between management and shareholders.
The Government is the trustee of Indian lands, but more often acts as the taker - a profound conflict of interest, many legal experts say.
She sensed a deeper unease in him, one that he refused to express-a profound inner conflict mixed with fear.
The crisis is more than a profound cultural conflict.
The cathedral conflicts with African realities in all respects, but the source of its funds must be one of its profoundest conflicts.