The ideas conceived by a society have profound repercussions on what actions the society performs.
I would rather give up any possible benefit of human cloning research than rush into a practice with such profound repercussions for society.
This was an event which was to have profound repercussions.
The advent of designated office space had profound repercussions on some of the institution's basic functions.
Secondly, the fruits of this victory testify to war's revolutionising effects and its profound social repercussions.
The continued analysis of human genomic data has profound political and social repercussions for human societies.
There are profound repercussions from not being able to pay your bills.
"We are aware that everything agreed to at the negotiating table and verified in Chiapas has profound repercussions for the future."
Withdrawing from the treaty would have profound diplomatic repercussions for the United States.
If we lose it this will have profound social repercussions.