On the other hand, can you call such a profound weakness a gift, or is it a design flaw?
In a moment of profound weakness, the Chaos emotion would act like a key, opening the gate's lock and gaining entry to the soul.
Uncomfortably small keyboards have long been the most profound weakness of the netbook form factor.
In doing so, the victim of these snake bite suffer from profound weakness.
"Now only after the preliminary depositions of the government's experts do we absolutely confirm the profound weakness of their case."
The Atlantic Monthly is working from a position of manifest strengths and profound weaknesses.
But there is another and profound weakness in the psychology of a mob.
She was seized with a sudden attack of dizziness and a profound weakness.
The rich always want more for nothing, that's our profound weakness.
A student with such a disability might show great strength in science and math, for example, but profound weakness in verbal skills.