Under this argument, the program amounts to compelled speech, because clients have no choice about the causes their money supports.
The program often amounts to little more than baby-sitting, according to participants and groups that help the mentally ill.
Comparable programs amounted to $44.7 billion for all of 1986 and $49 billion in 1985.
The program, with its manuals, amounts to a short course in animation.
The total programme amounted to €7,754,499 in 2009.
The 5-to-4 decision rejected the argument of a conservative legal group here that the program amounted to an unconstitutional "taking" of the clients' property.
Experts told the programme what they had seen amounted to "torture".
For shareholders, the program amounts to spending time to save money.
Both white and minority business owners have said the program amounts to a patronage system in which friends of city leaders receive big contracts.
Such a program, they said, amounted to racial profiling.