The major stock indexes were swept higher yesterday, helped by program buying and gains in bond prices.
Futures-related program buying led the market, but interest in individual issues kept the undertone firm, brokers said.
A 13-minute wave of program buying beginning at 3:03 accounted for 8.5 points of the gain.
But practically all of the day's gain seemed to come from computer-driven program buying.
The short covering plus program buying, he said, lifted the Dow.
Since the Dow rose only 23.26 points, the implication was that program buying was the main source of the rise.
A similar procedure is used to regulate program buying.
The improvement in stock prices was caused by a combination of program buying and strong demand.
Stocks fell slightly, with the Dow dipping 5.94, to 2,899.26, despite heavy program buying.
Markets Stocks fell early in the day but later recovered in heavy program buying.