In 1998, the Exploring program was completely reorganized and split into two program categories.
In order to achieve greater impact in the targeted communities, the Foundation focuses on the strategic program categories of community economic development, affordable housing, education and the environment.
The participant program categories, each with its own Learning for Life curriculum developed by the national office, consists of six programs covering kindergarten through Grade 12:
On command, it scans whatever is on the air within these preselected program categories - a procedure that avoids a frustrating random search for programs.
For most program categories, the submitted DVDs should feature up to five excerpts.
Destination Videos fall within several branded program categories:
All members can however vote for nominations in the best program categories.
Their information shows 3 different program categories: Part-Time, Distance and Congregational (tailored to the needs of a specific church and/or denomination).
Incentives and assistance are offered through the following program categories:
The program categories on the main screen are represented by icons floating on a tropical island.