The US$1bn program initiated in 1995 aims to reach 12 million people until 2010.
The school's program initiated a revival of interest in Gregorian chant and the music of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Whatever changes the program had initiated would remain once the program was wiped, and it would still not be able to function properly.
This program initiated with The Tragic.
During the 1970s Bird initiated an aggressive program of providing local sales, service and manufacturing to support its customers.
For minicom, a popular serial terminal program, the command sequence: 'ctrl-a f' will initiate a break sequence.
The program initiated the process that led to Boris Yeltsin's first visit to the US 1990.
These programs and funding have initiated Integrated Plans in most regions of the state.
The program initiated the first educational videoconferencing in the history of Russian-Australian relations.
When you select an article, the program will launch your browser and initiate a Web connection.