"Storytellers," VH-1's classiest program, originated in the shrewd perception that personal stories become more than gossip when linked to artistic inspiration.
The screening program originated in New York and Florida, where "vicarious liability" laws mean a car-rental company can be liable if a client injures or kills others.
According to Scaled Composites, the concept for the program originated in April 1996, preliminary development began in 1999, and full development began in April 2001.
Annually, the Fisher House program serves more than 19,000 families, and have made available over four million days of lodging to family members since the program originated in 1990.
The program originated from CBS Television City in color for the previous six weeks while the color equipment was installed.
One earlier color episode of the program originated from Studio 72 at Broadway and 81st on August 22, 1954.
The Soviet program for producing a new generation of chess masters, originated and supervised by Nikolai Krylenko from the early 1930s, clearly was paying dividends.
In his introduction, he said the program originated in St. Louis, "Miz-oor-uh."
No. 1 Countdown is a program originated by the American television network, Fuse.
The program originated from another open source program by Romstad named Glaurung.