The choral program, under the direction of Mark Langley, has also participated in numerous contests, always receiving superior ratings.
Right after creations of the first concert program in 1996, Nitkie start to go on tour actively, participate in republican competitions and telecasts.
Most activities and clubs meet one time per month during the school day, but some programs conduct meetings and participate in activities outside of school.
The program has participated in 33 bowl games over the years, winning 16.
The program participates in community events such as parades and volunteering.
This program is Co-Ed, meaning both girls and boys can participate in it.
His wants what he calls his "work out" program to eliminate bureaucracy by encouraging communication outside traditional channels and having factory employees participate in decisions.
The program joined the Northeast Conference in 1999 and participated as an associate member until 2006.
Over 15,000 students have participated in this study abroad program offered by Loyola University Chicago.
Legislative program: Participates in national and state issues which impact the military and veterans programs.