Fees vary depending on program participation and school location, but it is in the range of "a couple hundred dollars a month."
Research indicates that providing these types of services as part of a workforce development program can help improve program participation and reduce attrition.
Predictors of program participation in an HIV risk reduction intervention for low-income Latino women.
English skills are required for program participation.
The subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 and resulting unemployment have driven much greater program participation.
The panel evaluates the inmate's present crime, previous legal history, program participation and deportment while in prison, and plans for release.
On October 1, Microsoft reached its goals for program participation and no longer offered the build to the public.
(cc) Providing professional development designed to increase program participation for underserved populations of eligible children.
For example, all covered entities reported that program participation allowed them to maintain services and lower medication costs for patients.
Through program participation, companies created a credible record of their accomplishments and received EPA recognition as corporate environmental leaders.