Those programs, in turn, spawned a galaxy of more than 10,000 subcontractors.
The program spawned numerous web sites on the Internet and victimized thousands of investors across 60 different countries.
The program started in 1962 and by 1965 spawned Head Start.
But PowerPoint and other programs have spawned new presentation techniques.
A program may have hundreds of threads, but cannot spawn other programs to run concurrently.
The program, which began as a Saturday evening 3 hour show (7-10 pm)in 1987 also spawned several side projects.
The program has grown larger and spawned "copy" programs in several other cities.
The program also spawned a cook book published by Pluto Press.
That this one programme spawned the careers of so many shows how important satire became in Britain.
Only a few of these projects have been finished, at a cost of about $25 million, but the program has already spawned opponents.