Like the Veenman Printworks, the sculptural form and graphic quality of the skin are intended to act as a communications device enveloping rigorously-conceived programmatic elements.
Like "Blue Interlude," which will also be performed, the new piece has programmatic elements, with various instruments calling out different parts of the service.
The breaking down of components into 'threes' figures heavily in the building, from three separate programmatic elements to the main building being broken down into three sections.
Huber's first symphony, in D minor, subtitled "Tellsinfonie" has a slight programmatic element, derived from the story of the Swiss national hero William Tell.
Within this context, each programmatic element is given a specific identity that illustrates time, while showing change in different ways.
Coursework in this area is aimed at the study of colleges and universities (higher education) or the administrative operations of higher education (student affairs) in specific programmatic elements.
Tschumi's design revolves around three concepts: light, movement, and a tectonic and programmatic element.
Weinberg's works frequently have a strong programmatic element: throughout his life he continually referred back to his formative years in Warsaw and to the war which ended that earlier life.
Aside from the programmatic elements, Brown also draws a link between the two works based on the function of the fifth movement.
(e) Bitmap images Must be assigned consistent meaning throughout application's performance when used to identify controls, status indicators, or other programmatic elements.