Improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns now yield enhanced links to memorable spaces, uniting this Campus into one whole, while satisfying all programmatic requirements.
Since the agency can issue enhanced use leases only on land that is unneeded, the improvements must not be directly tied to any programmatic requirements of the installation.
The distinction between the two genres was the freedom to mould the musical form according to external programmatic requirements (Temperley 2001).
The programmatic requirements of this complex shaped decisions about structure and materials.
Creates validated operations and programmatic requirements for En Route and Oceanic air traffic services that provide for the safe, secure and efficient use of navigable airspace.
They retained what was already constructed, and revamped the remainder in order to accommodate new programmatic requirements.
The program's focus on these four areas is driven by EPA's mission and statutory and programmatic requirements.
The alternative site would have to satisfy the Planning Criteria and the programmatic requirements for the facility.
Typically, designers work from programmatic requirements toward their architectural expression.
The largest certification systems now generally have the same structural programmatic requirements.