A "crash" happens when the program cannot normally continue because of a programming bug.
Believing it thus, at some level, requires faith that the computer performed the calculations flawlessly, without any programming bugs.
And the prerelease version I tested (it is scheduled to be released today) still had a few programming bugs to be worked out.
Round 253 has a programming bug which will cause the game to crash if the boy holding the hats appears.
The game was to have no interactive lag and no programming bugs of any kind.
Due to a programming bug, the Encarta-style Civilopedia was disabled from the game.
Another black hole entrance may appear in zone 29 depending on the player's warp route, probably due to a programming bug.
In the last year of development, over 30,000 programming bugs were fixed.
But corporate customers traditionally wait six to nine months to buy new operating systems, allowing the early programming bugs to be eliminated.
In essence, both serious attacks and harmless programming bugs result in a program abort.