The channel has programming geared primarily to entertainment, female, with programs dedicated to cuisine, fashion, babies, among other things, the program schedule consists mainly of programs 30 minutes on average.
Focusing mainly on science fiction literature, it provides basic programming geared to other genres: fantasy, science, comics, horror, and gaming.
FamilyNet carries programming geared to families of all ages, involving a mix of lifestyle programming, game shows, classic sitcoms and dramas, and movies.
BBN also avoids programming geared towards "signs and wonders", "charismatic" theology, and "prosperity theology".
Old People's Network (OPN): A fictitious network that broadcasts programming geared for elderly men and women.
Sample archived programming of Radio Maria USA's repeater network geared to the local Catholic community aired from May 26-30 to fulfill the FCC deadline.
Bounce TV (its name signifies a network that is "going somewhere with energy") features programming geared toward an African American audience older than the age group primarily targeted by the Viacom-owned cable network BET.
KTV offers a variety of programming geared to each age group, including cartoons, animated shows, talk shows, Christian music videos, dramas, and musicals, as well as shows centered on creationism and social issues, and health and fitness.
There is also "stunting," which the network describes as promotional programming geared to specific events like returning to school.
The first of Playboy TV's new TV For 2 campaign, Brooklyn Kinda Love ushered a new wave of programming geared for both male and female viewers.