In most cases, receding of gums is a progressive condition that occurs gradually over the years.
Ongoing (chronic) heart failure is a lifelong, progressive condition that may require many lifestyle changes.
For people with progressive conditions, in particular, developing health problems will be compounded by the fear and the reality of losing money.
Left untreated, this can be a chronic progressive condition.
I am a full time wheelchair user, with a genetic progressive condition.
NF-1 is a progressive and diverse condition, making the prognosis difficult to predict.
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive condition that damages areas of the brain involved in memory, intelligence, judgment, language, and behavior.
It is not always a progressive condition and may improve over time.
However there are special rules that apply to people with certain impairments like progressive conditions.
I didn't and couldn't see it as a progressive condition which was bound to culminate in some sort of breakdown or breakthrough.