The buildup of GM2 ganglioside causes progressive damage to the nerve cells.
Complications include injury related to falling asleep while driving or performing other activities, and progressive damage to the nervous system.
If untreated, the disorder causes progressive damage to the kidneys.
This can potentially cause progressive damage to the joint, including osteoarthritis.
Ultraviolet light causes progressive damage to human skin.
Whether hyaluronic acid might delay or lessen progressive joint damage with long-term use is unknown.
In severe, uncontrolled cases, permanent disability may occur due to progressive joint damage.
Some habitual or excessive users can stop smoking when convinced by evidence of progressive respiratory and cardiovascular damage.
This accumulation eventually causes progressive damage to cells, tissues, and various organ systems of the body.
Treatment of ocular toxocariasis is more difficult and usually consists of measures to prevent progressive damage to the eye.