I find the progressive expansion of elections is as distressing as the Christmas decorations now going up before Thanksgiving.
It recalled the Bonn Agreement and its provision for the progressive expansion of ISAF to other areas beyond Kabul.
In parallel, the progressive expansion of the beach meant that the fort could be used to support Praia da Rocha, including a restaurant and esplanade.
During Flypast's visit in early March, preparations were at a frantic pace for a limited opening in April, with progressive expansion as and when time and money permitted.
Expansion brought new vitality as well as new ideas to Psi Upsilon, and the fraternity has continued this progressive expansion ever since.
Where complications are present, leaving arachnoid cysts untreated, may cause permanent severe neurological damage due to the progressive expansion of the cyst(s) or hemorrhage (bleeding).
The two groupings became the nucleus of 'burgs', which led to a progressive expansion of the towns, and the building of new enclosing walls.
While the progressive sonic expansion is fascinating to behold, the small-group settings are no less impressive for their intimacy and nuance".
With the progressive expansion of its R&D scope, the ETC was renamed the Defence Science Organisation in 1977.
The foundation of the Arts College (University of Oviedo) by Fernando de Valdés Salas, at the beginning of the 17th century, opened Oviedo to a progressive urban expansion.