The amount paid for the progressive jackpot is usually far higher than any single slot machine could pay on its own.
Other kinds of video poker only have positive theoretical returns when the progressive jackpot is high enough.
Many establishments advertise with a billboard when the progressive jackpot is high enough.
The progressive jackpot exceeded $4 million (annuity) for the first time on November 4, 2009.
But the crowd is small this week, because the progressive jackpot is only up to $952.
This could be a progressive jackpot that grows the longer the machine goes in between royal flushes.
Advantage players who only play when the progressive jackpot provides them with a positive expectation situation still generate revenue for the casino.
Sometimes the progressive jackpot gets high enough that the house is actually offering more than 100 percent payback.
Likewise there was no progressive jackpot in the game he allegedly founded.
The advantage of a progressive jackpot is that it almost always pays for itself through player contributions.