The party aimed to combine liberal social policies with centrist, particularly neo-Keynesian economics and a progressive environmental platform.
Brewer unveiled a progressive platform and worked to build an alliance between blacks and the white working class.
Some applauded the clever twist, hailing Obama's progressive political platforms.
She ran on a very progressive platform and polls in the Summer of 1982 put her ahead by 18 points.
Both men ran on progressive platforms, and the election went in Stanley's favor by only 471 votes.
He again ran on a progressive platform, advocating an amendment to the state constitution to grant women's suffrage.
The way the movement activists defined their collective identity offered them a progressive Marxist platform to champion their cause.
During the campaign, Combs had advocated a progressive platform that included increased funding for education, highways, parks, industry, and airports.
He also ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Oregon, also on a progressive platform.
Three times in the last decade Mr. LaMagna ran for public office on progressive platforms.