If the rational, scientific, progressive principles win out in this struggle there is a possibility of a warless, golden age ahead for mankind.
This educating time period along with Woodrow Wilson's progressive principles, created an aware, nationalist, and eager student population.
If you apply this progressive principle to the elderly, why not apply it across the board?
Starting in the kitchen of a parent's house, the school quickly established its own philosophy, building on the progressive principles of Dartington.
During this time, and after, Meier helped to establish a network of small schools in New York City based on progressive principles.
The basic components consists of progressive educational principles, global perspectives and analysis, and interdisciplinary study.
"We will send to him legislation that will undermine the liberal agenda and will embody progressive conservative principles of government."
These rather progressive principles were broadly accepted by the Islamic legal authorities, Sunni and Shiite alike.
How typical that the Guardian should come out against a progressive principle of local, democratic accountability for the police when (because?)
A full 75% of the student had enrolled because of "nondiscriminatory progressive principles."