The message has to convince Americans that they would be better off following a progressive Democratic vision of the future.
If the museum wants to champion progressive urban visions, it should first devise a progressive context in which to present them.
But political momentum may, even if only briefly, be on the side of those with a progressive vision of their country's future.
Senapati was no romantic nationalist, and his conception of language was based on his progressive social vision.
For example, is it the highly religious tendencies in black communities that stand in the way of a more progressive vision of gender norms?
Being able to duke this out on the cables every day is not going to solve your problem of what the long-term progressive vision is.
We can still realize a progressive vision for this country if we work together.
Kennedy's "progressive vision" for America is nothing more than a reconstituted concoction of leftist ideology served in a new drink cup.
For the black community to rise up against Jim Crow today, a new and progressive vision regarding drug-taking behavior is needed.
But the clergy of Salisbury, while anxious to preserve their cathedral spire, have more progressive visions.