Still no sign of interference as he closed his eyes to begin the progressively deeper levels of self-hypnosis.
Note that fmap, join, append and bind are well-defined, since they're applied to progressively deeper arguments at each recursive call.
There are three reefs at Pipeline in progressively deeper water further out to sea that activate according to the increasing size of approaching ocean swells.
As the fish swims away from the transducer, the distance increases, which shows as progressively deeper pixels.
There are three reefs at Pipeline in progressively deeper water further out to sea that activate at various power levels applied by ocean swells.
They enter into progressively deeper meditative absorptions and attain a powerful mental pliancy as a result.
But perhaps a detective or philosopher/scientist/engineer might seek to learn about something, at progressively deeper levels of detail, to solve a crime or a puzzle.
Far more dominant as factors behind the red ink are the costs of the president's progressively deeper tax cuts, weighted for the affluent, and the Iraq war.
The reef has a number of fingers of hard coral occurring in progressively deeper water offshore.
Yet it had worked like a charm through progressively deeper dives.