Another Constitutional provision prohibits Congress from reducing the pay of any judge.
In the Senate, Kempthorne sponsored and helped pass a bill meant to prohibit Congress from imposing unfunded federal mandates on states.
Mr. Clinton said today that the companies' actions would not prohibit Congress from passing legislation to reduce teen-age smoking.
The people being interviewed will not be under oath, but they will be subject to rules that prohibit misleading Congress.
The third proposed amendment that is still technically alive would prohibit Congress from banning slavery.
Nor did the judge prohibit Congress from ratifying the accord, even before the environmental study is done.
House Republicans introduced a measure that would prohibit Congress from cutting off or restricting "funding for units and members of the armed forces in harm's way."
The injunction he seeks is to prohibit Congress from doing something.
The First Amendment prohibits Congress from making any law "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
It would prohibit Congress from spending more money than it takes for a fiscal year.