In Romania, there is an ongoing campaign to remove the legal restrictions that prohibit colorblind citizens from getting drivers' licenses.
In general, the Act is intended to prohibit American citizens without authority from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments.
A popular initiative proposed amending the constitution to prohibit dual citizens from being eligible to hold the office of President or Vice President.
The proclamation prohibited American citizens from assisting either Britain or France.
Regulations prohibiting citizens from coming into contact with known fomites went back almost four thousand years.
Basically, it prohibits American citizens from unauthorized negotiating with foreign governments on matters of policy.
While the law allows non-Muslims to practice their religion, it prohibits citizens from converting from Islam.
At least for the time being, he will not seek changes in the law prohibiting foreign citizens from dominating the management of domestic airlines.
Callers also discussed whether they would be held in violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from interfering in foreign policy.
It prohibits citizens from possessing such guns after Feb. 22 unless they have been rendered inoperable.