Only two states, Florida and New Hampshire, explicitly prohibit homosexuals from adopting.
But without the military's wholehearted support for a policy change regarding homosexuals, Congress is very likely to pass a law over Mr. Clinton's veto to prohibit homosexuals in the military.
In New York, laws were enacted prohibiting homosexuals from gathering in any state-licensed public place.
Other conservatives would not criticize Ms. Achtenberg's sexual orientation directly, but they raised as a serious issue her past criticism of the Boy Scouts for prohibiting homosexuals from becoming Scoutmasters.
The decision said rules prohibiting homosexuals were no different than other employment restrictions, like those imposing height or age restrictions or requiring good eyesight.
The Rule Why It's There And How It's Used Opponents say the military rule prohibiting homosexuals is one of the most painful remnants of official discrimination in society.
The current regulations prohibit homosexuals from serving in the uniformed services.
Officials said she cautioned that the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law could be violated if the policy went too far in prohibiting homosexuals from saying things that heterosexual soldiers were free to express.