Pfenning is currently under skating union rules that prohibit judges or referees from speaking until after the Olympics.
Compulsory retirement does not prohibit retired judges from acting in that capacity on a temporary basis.
It also prohibits judges from passing general judgments of a legislative value, see above.
In Federal and state courts, ethics rules usually prohibit judges from considering cases involving current or former business partners.
Article 16 of the Convention specifically prohibits judges from considering the merits of the custody dispute between the parents.
Mandatory sentencing prohibits judges from using their discretion and forces them to place longer sentences on nonviolent offenses than they normally would do.
"A rule prohibiting judges or judicial candidates from being friends with their neighbors would not narrowly serve the state's interest in an independent judiciary," he wrote.
There are rules that prohibit judges from participating directly or indirectly in someone else's political campaign.
One provision prohibits judges from granting an adjournment in an eviction case without requiring a rent deposit.
Known as the Kerry-Feingold bill, it would prohibit federal judges from accepting "anything of value in connection with a seminar."