Although the Finnish constitution prohibited such legislation, the act in question was passed as a constitutional amendment, with a qualified majority in the parliament.
Opponents quickly charged that this last provision defies state law, which they say prohibits "breed-specific" legislation, and demonstrates a certain ignorance of dogs.
The Legislature has already voted once on a constitutional amendment that prohibits nonbudgetary legislation in a budget bill.
But laws prohibiting most Chinese from citizenship and property ownership, as well as legislation curtailing immigration, inhibited future growth.
He voted against an Amendment to prohibit flag burning and legislation banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.
In some states, such as Pennsylvania, the state constitution prohibits special legislation; though it is often possible for the legislature to evade this restriction by describing the community in great detail without mentioning its name.
A year later Johnson also signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, prohibiting illegal legislation such as literacy tests and poll taxes.
Others ban marriage and prohibit legislation providing "similar rights".
Article 1, Section 6, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution therefore prohibits self-dealing legislation and is intended to protect the "separation of power" of the various branches of government.
Rule XVI, which prohibits normal legislation in appropriations legislation, may be waived by 2/3 of the Senate.