The Spiders folded after that season and a rule was passed prohibiting owners from owning more than one team.
Some owners felt the arrangement was an end run around the league's rule that prohibits owners from having teams in major sports in other N.F.L. markets.
Federal law prohibits foreign owners from holding a majority stake in airlines that operate domestic routes.
Sales have been hurt, in part, by policies set by the cooperative boards, which often prohibit owners from renting their units.
It comes with class rules that prohibit owners who are professionals from driving.
In fact, Mitchell-Lama rules essentially prohibit owners of co-ops from making a profit on them when they move.
The deed restrictions would be placed on the property by the owner, and would prohibit subsequent owners from demolishing the house.
Illinois legislation prohibits owners from walking their dogs when they are not in a leash.
The state could also buy what are known as conservation easements on parts of the land, which are contracts that prohibit owners from developing their property.
Michael Jordan owns part of the Washington Wizards, but the National Basketball Association prohibits owners from playing.