The relatively narrow gates prohibit large ships from passing into the inner downtown harbor as they did in the 19th century.
The new restriction prohibits ships whose hulls extend more than 34 feet below the water from traveling in the river's channel at any time except during high tide.
New Zealand legislation prohibiting nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships from its territorial waters had been first enforced in February 1985.
An Alaska law, enacted last year, prohibits ships from emitting smoke that blocks or obscures the view of more than 20 percent of background scenery.
But after landing on Herschel Island, he learned of a policy prohibiting American ships from bringing foreign goods into Canada.
"Wider Caribbean" as a "special area" to prohibit ships from dumping anything in the Gulf, with the exception of finely-ground food scraps.
(The Murkowski amendment, too, would prohibit ships from dumping waste water into doughnut holes.)
In the interest of bathers and swimmers, many bathing lakes prohibit ships and boats, fishing, dogs etc.
The viceroy prohibited Hanseatic ships from anchoring in Veracruz.
New Augusta was one of the handful of systems prohibiting deep-space ships or, for that matter, any non-Imperial shuttles from entering the planetary envelope.