The next day, another walkout was staged in protest of a school policy prohibiting male students from wearing their hair long.
Tradition prohibits students from crossing the Circle to reach the opposite side of the campus.
Some schools also prohibit students from discussing stories from the Bible in class.
This ruling was the application of an established 1905 law that prohibits students and staff from wearing any clearly visible religious symbols.
It also says the policy may not prohibit students from wearing "expressive items" like political buttons.
Federal rules prohibit students with physical, mental, emotional or learning disabilities from being suspended for more than 10 days a school year if parents object.
But it prohibits students from socializing outside their companies at odd hours.
Prohibiting students from having cellphones on school property is an overreaction to a minor problem.
When they prohibit students from attending them, they go too far.
The school system has long prohibited students from taking cellphones into schools.