In fact, project designers set aside the first nine months of the Hubble telescope's planned 15-year mission as a period for testing and calibrating instruments.
As chief project designer by 1937, Siegfried and his team introduced the He 113 on May 25, 1937.
The project designer is Development Design Group Inc., based in Baltimore.
The project designer selects the apt Script for a production house along with identification of the right director needed for its theme.
The process of finding a project designer was two-fold.
The project designer and construction manager was A.V. Bulgakov.
The project designers and the government committed to invest in beach maintenance to address future erosion.
Shroff was a successful casting director and a project designer.
The project designer, Ed Holakiewicz, said, "The sanctuary was designed to create a sense of intimacy.
The project designers wanted to facilitate integration of robots into human society so that they could more easily provide services.