After I had made some observations which these grand projects naturally suggested, he replied, "What!
Successful projects at two colleges suggest that such a corps is an idea waiting to happen.
But together the projects suggest the range of tools with which designers are seeking to revive aging central cities.
How, exactly, can one meter a project as I have suggested without constantly having to remove the camera from the tripod?
A recently announced project suggests just how directly this ambition is tied to the examples of the 70's.
The project also suggests how possible future risks may be avoided.
Such efforts may actually be exploitational, the project suggests, a high-brow version of using black models in commercial advertising.
Instead the project suggests that history is an open question, its function to raise issues rather than to resolve them.
The officials were keen the project had broad support and suggested including Monash University.
These projects can either request funding or suggest statutory changes.