The teacher does not cast a shadow and does not look into the projector light while speaking to the students.
Then, smiling a little in anticipation, she stepped into range of the projector lights, fixing her eyes on the nearest pinpoint.
The projector lights, rushing across the clouds, lit everything up.
Photos depict the affair as rather drab with a cheap curtain and one projector light.
These properties made them ideally suited to search lights, follow spots and film projector lights.
In an application called HoloTable, the projector lights up a table from below with infrared light.
Then the projector light went out.
This also avoids the problem with front-projection boards that the presenter has to look into the projector light while speaking to the audience.
A special projector light on the crystals would then generate a vertical rainbow of colours across the atrium.
Apparently these are because his eyes are sensitive to bright projector lights.