Television networks have proliferated in recent years, and the number of films released by studios last year rose 11 percent over 1995.
Web sites that ask children to provide personal information about themselves and their families have proliferated in recent years.
Such family performances and "outreach" arts programs have proliferated in recent years.
Though such policies have proliferated in recent years, experts say most of the nation's 3,500 colleges and universities do not have them.
Those early names are not around anymore, but new ventures have since come online, and the numbers have been proliferating in recent years.
Such buyers have proliferated in recent years, making the festival an even more competitive marketplace.
Executive centers have been proliferating in recent years to meet the demand for small office space.
Now the focus has expanded to the suburbs, where gangs have proliferated in recent years.
State lottery games, which have existed since 1972, have proliferated in recent years.
It is always advisable to apply sun screens, which have proliferated in recent years.