This probably represents an underestimate of the proliferative capacity of 14-day precursors because it is likely that not all cells are successfully incorporated into the reaggregates.
"The notion that adult stem cells are infinite in proliferative capacity is seriously undermined by this work," Dr. Sharpless said.
Instead, we sought to investigate the proliferative capacity of chondrocytes from Hoxc-8 transgenic mice by using in vitro assays.
Their proliferative capacity is more limited compared to the preceding stage, the CFU-e.
Stem cells, which are few in number and intermediate transit cells, which have limited proliferative capacity, occupy the lower two thirds of each crypt.
It lacks proliferative capacity and instead is maintained by fusion of underlying cytotrophoblast cells.
They are a population of firmly adherent cells with a high proliferative capacity and potential for self-renewal.
Cancer cells with a high nuclear grade (also called proliferative capacity) are usually more aggressive (faster growing).
However, when they are cultured in vitro, they often undergo an 'aging' process in which their morphology is changed and their proliferative capacity is decreased.
MiR-17-92 increase the proliferative capacity of Rb/p107-deficient in retinal cells.