The 19th-century French painter Edgar Degas was a most prolific user of pastel and its champion.
He is a also a prolific user of the social networking application Twitter.
Generally, the Qin dynasty is noted as the most prolific user of the dagger-axe, with millions of these weapons produced.
Mao is one of the most prolific users of the diamond anvil cell for research at high pressures.
The most prolific user was Cicero, who initially related it to the established term auctoritas.
Although India is only one of several countries that have used tax stamps on legal documents, it was one of the most prolific users.
He was particularly skilful at handpassing, and was the most prolific user of the skill during his era.
One prolific user associated with this guitar was jazz guitarist Larry Coryell who had an endorsement deal.
The most prolific user was the Electricity Supply Board which used meter reading and appointment cards for over forty years.
All this means that once you become a prolific user of E-mail, changing your address may require heroic efforts.