Other conditions associated with preterm birth included high levels of work fatigue, prolonged standing, and night work.
May be aggravated by sitting, prolonged standing, and bending or twisting movements.
In some patients, it is precipitated by walking and prolonged standing.
It is a clear colorless liquid when pure, but becomes amber colored upon prolonged standing.
Your legs ache, swell, or feel heavy, especially after prolonged standing.
The Covent Garden audience awarded him and the cast with a prolonged standing ovation.
Avoid prolonged standing if personal or family history indicates you are at risk of developing varicose veins.
It is a clear colourless liquid when pure, but it becomes yellow coloured upon prolonged standing.
Avoiding prolonged standing and the activity that causes pain.
The boards helped to keep the soldiers' feet dry and prevent the development of trench foot caused by prolonged standing in waterlogged conditions.