But it served as the editorial home of Stephen Jay Gould, the nation's most prominent evolutionary biologist, until his death earlier this summer.
I would suggest Libbie Henrietta Hyman as but one prominent biologist of that era.
With the goal of personalizing the science for students, Dr. Campbell included interviews with prominent biologists.
During his scientific career, Hughes made notable contributions to the field of stream ecology and was considered a prominent Alaskan biologist.
Herbert Eugene Walter, (1867 - 1945), was a prominent biologist, author, Professor at Brown University and researcher.
The 318 scientists now supported by the institute include many of the nation's most prominent biologists.
José Narciso Rovirosa, prominent biologist who categorized over a thousand species of flora in southern Mexico.
The developers apparently thought he was simply Darwin's assistant, when in fact he was a prominent biologist in his own right.
One prominent biologist here recalled that after she appeared on a list of Colombia's 10 most influential women, her husband stopped talking to her for three months.
He became one of the most prominent American biologists of his time, pioneering new quantitative standards of taxonomy.