But the federal government and prominent Russian corporations that might have been sponsors have kept the festival at arm's length, evidently uncertain of official reactions.
In 25 years, they predict, two-thirds of today's most prominent corporations will have died or been acquired.
The plan immediately came under attack from prominent corporations, which complained that it would punish legitimate corporate financing without closing the Bermuda loophole.
It was a prominent corporation and industry leader using the single-letter symbol B on the New York Stock Exchange.
He remained in Parliament, but joined the boards of several prominent corporations.
The broadcasting was sponsored by several prominent local corporations that include Khan bank and Skytel among others.
It marks a commitment to art on the part of a prominent American corporation that is as generous and innovative as any before.
Ellis' art business has sold over 1.75 million fine art products, and he works with a number of prominent corporations.
A free spirit, he had called himself Now he ruled a prominent corporation.
He was later convicted of hacking attacks on several prominent corporations and universities.