An assistant to Mr. Cuomo noted yesterday that Mr. Cuomo had more than 70 prominent endorsements listed on his campaign Web site.
His most prominent endorsement has come from H. Carl McCall, the state comptroller, gubernatorial candidate and only black official to win statewide office in New York.
Studies that appear to refute claims of increasing inequality receive prominent endorsements on editorial pages and are eagerly cited by right-leaning government officials.
But Mr. Green has not been without prominent endorsements.
Despite these prominent endorsements, the city's Parks Department is approaching the changeover slowly because many New Yorkers are wedded to the mystique of grass.
General Breedlove's recommendation gave the group's efforts a prominent military endorsement.
In its five year history, the band has amassed a slew of low-level awards and a host of prominent endorsements.
He lost one prominent endorsement after another and fought a campaign that some voters believed was too negative and that other voters believed lacked passion.
A prominent endorsement of the Living Constitution concept was heard in the 2000 presidential campaign by the Democratic candidate, Al Gore.
Alexander was better-funded and armed with more prominent endorsements, however, and edged Bryant in the primary, 295,052 votes to 233,678.