Many prominent mosques and schools in the city were destroyed, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.
Construction work began on Kibule Hill, the site of Kampala's most prominent mosque.
After Hindu gangs tore down a prominent mosque in Ayodhya in 1992, other mobs carried out the worst anti-Muslim riots since independence.
Kattavila masjid (Kilikolloor palli) is a prominent mosque in the area.
Agadez Mosque is a prominent mosque in Agadez, Niger.
There was a prominent mosque in the 1950s at Jalan Bilal that still used the drum about five times a day.
The bombing was the deadliest in Iraq since early April, when three bombers blew themselves up in a prominent Shiite mosque here, killing scores of worshipers.
American soldiers have recently raided prominent mosques, alienating many Sunnis, with protesters at rallies calling for jihad.
POSB, the government bank is found on the edge of the city, behind the prominent mosque that is found at the north entrance of the town.
In Etafiyah, two policemen were killed and their driver injured as they tried unsuccessfully to defuse a roadside bomb near a prominent Shiite mosque, the official said.