He cultivated good relations with a small group of prominent Scottish nobles who were committed to the French alliance.
A number of letters to Spain were discovered, which included blank sheets signed by prominent nobles.
The rest of the afternoon was consumed in oaths of fealty from the more prominent nobles.
These two powerful titles, combined with his father's legendary status, could not help but make William one of the most prominent and powerful nobles in England.
With this series of actions, Acuña intended to destroy or occupy the homes of the prominent nobles.
To forestall this they decided to execute all prominent nobles throughout Central Serbia, a move known as Slaughter of the knezes.
His funeral assembled a large number of the most prominent nobles in the country.
Later, in the 1430s, Rinaldo convinced several prominent nobles to strike out against Cosimo de' Medici, whom he feared was getting too powerful.
They simultaneously established contact with Gadapani, and other prominent nobles of the royal court.
The victims were the most prominent Serbian nobles, titled Knezes ("local dukes"), of the Belgrade Pashaluk.