After the first reported conspiracy against him, in September, two prominent rivals were summarily executed.
Another prominent rival is Wayne Gregory, who in the early 70's pioneered the first advanced designs for internal packs - those whose frames are sewn inside the fabric.
He said that this time he was more seasoned and unshackled, which he believes gives him advantages over his two most prominent rivals, Senators Clinton and Obama.
After winning three more fights, Robinson faced Jake LaMotta, who would become one of his more prominent rivals, for the first time in October.
Nikki Haley, a 38-year-old Indian-American state representative, beat out three prominent Republican rivals in the South Carolina primary race for governor, capturing 49% of the vote.
Marforio maintained a friendly rivalry with his most prominent rival, Pasquin.
But Mr. Ramaphosa and Mr. Sexwale are certainly two of the president's most prominent political rivals.
The Nation and The New Republic are fighting a war of words for readers as The Nation's circulation finally surpasses that of its prominent rival.
Drawing ammunition from Korea's rocky 20th-century history, South Korea's president took careful aim at his most prominent rival, and fired.
The most prominent rival he mentioned was Ivan Basso, an Italian who was third in the Tour last year.